

UNH researchers have begun a Tartary buckwheat breeding and growing program to investigate and develop the lesser-known crop that has high nutritional value and is climate tolerant making it suitable for a wide variety of soil types, 跨越各种气候和天气条件.

N达勒姆.H.-今年的雨, floods and freezing temperatures are a reminder farmers need many strategies to find resilient crops, 特别是对于食品生产. Researchers at the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES) at the 永利app新版本官网地址 believe they have an excellent candidate—Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum), an underutilized and lesser-known crop with high nutritional value and unique qualities that make it suitable for production on a wide variety of soil types and 跨越各种气候和天气条件.

“的 last two growing seasons were tough on farmers—hot and extremely dry one year and then so wet this year that farmers struggled to get onto their fields to plant,伊阿古·黑尔说, 可持续农业和粮食系统副教授,NHAES科学家. “A species like Tartary buckwheat is climate-ready in the sense that it tolerates extreme temperatures and extreme moisture and drought. It matures fast, giving producers flexibility to integrate it into their cropping systems. 它也建立得很快, 与杂草竞争,在贫瘠的土壤中生长,不需要昂贵的投入.”

这项研究始于海尔和诺亚·阿巴夏诺, 研究生, 要求全部78种苦荞品种的种子, 或者基因不同的植物, 由美国农业部维护. 因为迄今为止,对这个物种的研究还很有限, 研究人员首先需要确定生产所需的性状. 的y started by growing the seeds in UNH’s Macfarlane Research Greenhouses in the fall of 2022 and the following spring sowed them in small plots at UNH’s Woodman Horticultural Research Farm. That gave the researchers a first look at the plant’s performance in the field in addition to evaluating different planting dates—late spring, 初夏和仲夏.

苦荞可以在几个月内生长, letting researchers quickly identify which genetically distinct plants have desirable characteristics for breeding into an improved and commercially viable variety. 理想的植物应该是矮小的, 发芽和建立迅速, 产生大量的种子,这些种子会附着在植物上, 而且不容易摔倒.

在第一次看这个系列, 我们很高兴看到线条表现出这些特征,阿巴夏诺说. “当然,没有一个品牌拥有全套产品. That’s where breeding comes in—we’ll pick the ones with good height and low lodging and shattering and try to combine them.”

除了它的气候适应性特征, Tartary buckwheat is gluten free and contains more than double the amount of protein found in common grains, 以及高水平的必需氨基酸, 矿物质, 还有芦丁这种植物色素含量最高的一种. Rutin has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and has been shown to improve blood vessel health and decrease arthritis.

目前,苦荞仅在少数几个美国种植.S. farms and almost entirely in northern states with cool climates and shorter growing seasons. 在中国南部和其他亚洲国家的山区, Tartary buckwheat is much more common and is prized for its nutritional value and its ability to grow in poor quality soil.

目前,在这个小规模的研究中,人工收割是非常小心的. 然而, 当以商业规模种植时, 这些植物可以用传统的小型谷物收割设备收割.

Funding for this project is supported by the NHAES through joint funding from the USDA National Institute of Food and 农业 and the state of New Hampshire.

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诺亚Abasciano, UNH的研究生, stands in a plot of Tartary buckwheat plants being grown at UNH’s Woodman Horticultural Research Farm in Durham. Abasciano, 还有副教授兼植物育种家伊阿古·黑尔, 正在UNH开发苦荞的育种和种植计划, 普通荞麦的一种未被充分利用和不太为人所知的近亲.


UNH researchers began the Tartary buckwheat breeding and growing program this past winter at the Macfarlane Research Greenhouses. 整个夏天, they grew 78 genetically diverse lines of Tartary buckwheat at the Woodman Horticultural Research Farm.


苦荞籽. 这种谷物不含麸质,有几种有益的营养元素.